Tuesday, March 20, 2012


We will be voting on whether we want a sign at the Club’s Market Street Island planting at the Annual Meeting on April 10th. Some think the sign will detract from the beauty of the plantings and we can publicize our work in other ways.  Others think a sign would let people know that the island is designed and maintained by the Ipswich Garden Club.


Here is a photo of the type of sign that we would be required to use. The size and format of the sign has been designated by the Town. Do you have a comment you would like to make? Please use the comment option below to start a discussion.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all –

    Our brains are kind of programmed to pick out words – have you ever noticed how, when a car with a vanity plate passes you, the word registers with you, though you are not registering number combinations from other passing license plates in the same way? When I drive past gardened traffic islands that have signs, even when the plantings are lovely, the main thing my eye sees is the sign. That is, I see the sign rather than the garden. It detracts from or even replaces the experience of looking at the plants or the design.

    I think most people would agree that signs stuck into the planted area of traffic islands make the overall appearance less attractive. The purpose of these signs is to provide advertising for commercial enterprises in exchange for a service. Our purpose in planting the islands is town beautification, and if the signs make them less beautiful, we don’t need them. We have plenty of better ways of getting publicity.

    So that’s my two cents!


    Carol Williams


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