Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dates with Almonds and Candied Orange Peel

Carol Williams served up an exceptionally delicious and nutritional
treat at the IGC Holiday Luncheon. Here's just how nutritional her
dates, almonds and candied orange peel are:

According to a new study by researchers, DATES are a treat to
eat because they contain so many antioxidants. Antioxidants in
general have been linked to a number of potential health 
benefits, including protection against heart disease and cancer.
For the study,researchers analyzed the antioxidant content of 
more than 100 different food items, including vegetables, fruits, 
nuts, spices, oils and common beverages. Of all the foods and 
beverages studied, dates actually have the most antioxidants
based on serving size.

The benefits of ALMONDS  are due to loads of vitamin 
content in them. Almonds are rich in folic acid and 
vitamin B. Copper content helps in proper development 
of bone and improves nerve functioning. Almonds function 
as powerful antioxidants due to its Vitamin E content. 
It helps in improving blood circulation and lowering of 
cholesterol thereby providing added cardiac protection. 
Not only this, it helps to stabilize blood sugar as well. 
Therefore it can be the best snack for diabetic patients. 
One of the other significant health benefits 
of almonds are due to its laetrile content which 
serves as an anti cancer component.

And what about the ORANGE PEEL? Citrus peel, 
especially orange, contains considerable amounts of 
mineral and vitamins. Orange peel contains more  
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) than its juice. Likewise, the
peel is rich source of vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, 
minerals such as calcium, selenium, manganese, 
zinc...etc. several fold more than its pulp.

So now that we know how beneficial this treat is, here is Carol's recipe:

Plump medjool dates, cut in half if large
Roasted almonds, whole
Candied orange peel, cut into tiny strips
Shredded coconut (unsweetened)

Pit the dates, and remove the hard disk from the stem end. Add coconut.Tuck an almond and a strip of peel into each date and arrange on a flat dish.

Thank you Carol!

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